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Campaign Central

Welcome to Campaign Central!

At United Way of Lancaster County, we are committed to supporting your campaign efforts by providing the resources necessary for success. We strive to maintain current, comprehensive information to ensure you have access to the latest materials. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact our Resource Development team at or call 717-394-0731.

We look forward to supporting your company throughout its workplace campaign. Your participation is integral to the success of our mission, and we trust the experience will be both meaningful and impactful. Thanks to the resources you provide, United Way is able to better serve the residents of Lancaster County.

We greatly appreciate your continued support and engagement. Explore Campaign Central to learn more about United Way of Lancaster County campaigns and opportunities to get involved.

2024-2025 Full Campaign Video in English (4:12)

2024-2025 Full Campaign Video with Spanish Subtitles (4:29)

2024-2025 Shortened Campaign Video (1:33)

What is the “Give Back, Win Big” Program? (1:11)

The History of One United Lancaster (2:30)

VITA Makes a Difference for Afghan Refugees (2:41)

Week of Caring 2023 (1:54)

United Way of Lancaster County’s 2024 Trike Race (2:14) See a recap of the 2024 Trike Race where Roads Energy took home the trophy. 

VITA Achievements 2023-2024 (3:14) Discover how VITA is making tax prep affordable and more rewarding than ever before!

Warm Home Warm Hearts 2024 (3:54) United Way of Lancaster County and Brubaker, Inc. teamed up to gift a Lancaster home owner a free heating system. This is the fourth consecutive year United Way has hosted this program, and the first year teaming up with Brubaker Inc.

Current Brochure

2022 Campaign Kick-Off Meeting Invitation Template (PDF) (Word)

2022 Mid-Campaign Email Template (PDF) (Word)

2022 Reminder Day Before Closing Campaign Template (PDF) (Word)

2022 Thank You Email Template (PDF) (Word)


United Way’s Investment Priorities

Impact of a Dollar Infographic

Campaign Thermometer

2021 Giving Societies Overview

2024 Women United Overview

2021 Stock Giving Overview

Planned Giving Brochure- updated version, coming soon!

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

2021 VITA Outcomes


2022 VITA Info Sheet


VITA Returns from 2007-2022


VITA Website


VITA Rack Card


VITA Facts/ Myths Video


Value of VITA Video


PA 211

211 Information Sheet


211 Informational Video


PA 211 East Website


211 Poster (English)


211 Poster (Spanish)


Where to Call Guide 2021


SingleCare (Prescription Discount Card)


10 Steps to Campaign Success

  1. Know your United Way.
    Familiarize yourself with United Way’s role in your community and learn how the Impact Fund drives real, meaningful change.
  2. Involve your CEO.
    Meet with your CEO to discuss campaign objectives, approve participant incentives, and appoint a coordinator to oversee Leadership Giving.
  3. Develop a strong campaign team.
    Invite co-workers at all levels to join your campaign team, and ask your CEO to appoint a Company Campaign Chair to provide leadership.
  4. Plan your campaign.
    Create a timeline, set a fundraising goal, choose a solicitation strategy, and plan events. Be sure to explore the Campaign Coordinator Toolbox at for helpful tools.
  5. Review your last campaign.
    Host a meeting to review last year’s campaign results, refine strategies, and identify best practices.
  6. Promote your campaign.
    Display United Way posters and materials in key areas, and announce your campaign via company’s communication channels to build awareness and drive support.
  7. Conduct your campaign.
    Host a kickoff event with your CEO, promote your activities and special events, organize fundraisers (virtual and in-person) to boost employee support.
  8. Ask for the gift.
    Use group solicitations, one-to-one outreach, and engage with retirees to generate funds for the campaign.
  9. Wrapping up.
    Collect pledge forms, distribute incentives, publicize winners, and report your campaign results to your United Way Resource Development contact.
  10. Thank investors for your campaign success.
    Show appreciation to all those who supported your campaign—from the CEO and campaign committee to employees and retirees. Everyone deserves recognition for their role in making your fundraising efforts a success, including you!

"We were isolated during the Covid-19 Pandemic - disconnected from everything outside of our four walls. Now, as we start to rebuild relationships and patch the foundations of our community, our strength has been renewed. Community initiatives are experiencing a renaissance where their mission and vision are either being reinstated or reimagined altogether."

|Julie Kennedy
Director of Advocacy and Engagement