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Project SOS

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To give via check, please make the check payable to United Way of Lancaster County and write Project SOS in the memo.

Checks can be mailed to:
Attn: Project SOS
United Way of Lancaster Count
1910 Harrington Drive, Suite A
Lancaster, PA 17601

United Way of Lancaster County launched Project SOS in January of 2021 as a fund for stimulus check donations to be distributed to individuals who have experienced setbacks due to COVID-19. Since its launch, Project SOS fulfilled 423 applications, sending direct checks to over 1200 families and individuals.

United Way of Lancaster County has relaunched its Project SOS initiative, with a call to the community to raise $25,000 to benefit the long-term residents of July 17’s Motel 6 flood on Route 30. Because of their living situation, many of the residents had significantly reduced their resources and belongings prior to the flooding. Now, they face new challenges after experiencing another loss. The money raised will be provided to families as small supports between $500 and $600 depending on the fundraising success while working with the Central PA chapter of the Red Cross to identify families impacted.

We are only able to help with the resources we are blessed with, like your gift today which helps the unfortunate victims of this unexpected circumstance: Dozens displaced after sprinklers flood Route 30 motel – One United Lancaster. When tragedy strikes our friends and neighbors or even others who are strangers, we are glad to know that Lancaster is always willing to be at the ready to give our time and our resources. Whether it is a volunteer firefighting force like Lafayette Fire Company, a mix of paid staff and volunteers like the Red Cross, or it is the permanent staff at Lancaster County’s Office of the Homelessness Coalition, United Way of Lancaster is grateful for our partners in this work.

"My vision is to create an inclusive and equitable community where every individual irrespective of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status has an opportunity to succeed, because that's the only way entire community will thrive and prosper."

|Aiza Ashraf
Director of Equity