Need Help? Call 211

Need Help?

Let us connect you to the services that are available to you in your community!

211 Info & Referral 

Pennsylvania 211 East is a free, confidential, non-emergency, comprehensive information and referral service that connects Berks, Carbon, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Northampton, and Schuylkill county residents with the health and human services they need. You can reach us by calling 211 or 855-567-5341.
Click Here for more information about 211

FamilyWize RX Discount Plan

FamilyWize makes it easy to save money on prescription drugs. Just show your free card to the pharmacist! Accepted at most pharmacies and with many community organization partners, FamilyWize is sharing the savings across the nation.
Click Here for more information about FamilyWize

VITA Income Tax Preparation

At VITA, we provide access to free tax prep to anyone in Lancaster County who makes $62,000 or less. We want to help you get your taxes done without the hassle of a paid tax prep service. 
Click Here for more information about VITA

Where to Call Guides

Click here for our 211 Contact Center’s Where to Call Guide– a printable guide of local health and human resources to help meet the needs of our Lancaster County community.

"We were isolated during the Covid-19 Pandemic - disconnected from everything outside of our four walls. Now, as we start to rebuild relationships and patch the foundations of our community, our strength has been renewed. Community initiatives are experiencing a renaissance where their mission and vision are either being reinstated or reimagined altogether."

|Julie Kennedy
Director of Advocacy and Engagement