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Investment Priorities

We Source Solutions

Systems change is about addressing the root causes of social problems. It is an intentional process designed to fundamentally alter a system’s components and structures. It’s not enough to continue to offer programs that manage the symptoms of poverty; we need to change the structures that are keeping people in poverty in the first place.  

When United Way launched the Collective Impact model in 2015, it required that everyone work together in partnership – businesses, government, schools, churches, foundations, and nonprofit organizations – to tackle our most pressing challenges and develop lasting solutions. By working this way, we all move towards the same clear goals. 

We currently support the direct work of nearly 70 funded partners in 10 Collective Impact Partnerships that are increasing the number of children accessing quality pre-K programs, offering more adults the chance to attain a post-secondary credential, and expanding community-based hubs across Lancaster County to help individuals more easily access resources in their community. Together we are making a difference! 

Click on the name of the program to see more about the work they are doing.

Lanc Co MyHome: 

Nationally recognized for their efforts to functionally end chronic homelessness and veteran homelessness in Lancaster County. 

Network of over 150 health and human service providers, business leaders, and private sector individuals working to: 

  • Moving Individuals/Families into Permanent Housing 
  • Provide Short-Term Housing 
  • Assist in Attaining Living-Wage Jobs, Transportation 

Impact Story: 

Through our partnerships, we opened a day shelter in Lancaster city where we have needed one for almost a decade. It has been very successful, and individuals have developed a sense of belonging and community. 

Lancaster Language Justice Initiative

United Way of Lancaster County and Communication Essentials, LLC are partnering to support local efforts to advance language access and equity. The Lancaster Language Justice Initiative is a pilot program sponsored in part by the Walters/Unitarian Universalist Church Trust, an endowment from Arthur and Selma Walters to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster in support of events that affirm the worth and dignity of all humans and that strive to increase the awareness of and respect for our environment. 

Five local organizations were selected to participate in the pilot cohort based on the following criteria: nature of services they provide, number of LEP individuals served by the organization, frequency of communication/interaction with LEP individuals, impact of their services in the community, what kind of barriers people could face if the services of these selected organizations are not available in languages other than English.

"My vision is to create an inclusive and equitable community where every individual irrespective of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status has an opportunity to succeed, because that's the only way entire community will thrive and prosper."

|Aiza Ashraf
Director of Equity